Employee Benefits Communications

Employee Benefit Communication Services
You work hard to ensure that your employees have good benefits packages but too often, employees can get lost in the details. Misunderstood and underutilized benefits cost you and your employees’ time, effort and money. The good news is that there are creative ways to effectively communicate pensions, benefits and other reward programs.
Our Approach to Employee Benefit Communications
We believe in communicating to employees in a way that creates trust, displays authenticity, and does so in a creative, engaging way. Whether done through print, video, web, or other means, we believe benefits communications should be simple and easy to understand. Our custom solutions are tailored to your unique needs and budget. We develop communications that:
We believe in simplifying the complexity of pensions and benefits communications, helping to build financial literacy in the process.
When employees understand their packages, they appreciate them more and become actively engaged with their benefits and the company.
Build Trust
In everything we do, we strive to build trust. In employee communications, trust is everything. When participants trust your message, they become actively engaged.
We believe in creating unique, easy to understand communications– not your typical boring document where the message can get lost on participants.
Manage Change
When change happens, you need to be prepared with an effective communications strategy. We believe that through building trust and clearly communicating the change participants will be open to change.
Increase Understanding
By simplifying communication of pension and other benefits, you will increase participants understanding of total rewards.
Bring Your Message To Life
From Vibrant video to easy-to-understand benefits statements, our award- winning communications team will help connect your participants with simplified benefits information that fosters meaningful employee engagement. View some of the winning communications we’ve developed for our clients.
Our Employee Benefit Communication Perspective
Stay up to date with the latest in defined benefit plans with our expert insights. From market updates, to retirement plan management tips, to regulatory news, we’ve got you covered.
DOL finalizes electronic participant communications safe harbor
The new rule dramatically liberalizes DOL’s electronic communication rules, which (with certain exceptions) previously required that the individual receiving the electronic communication either had access to the employer/sponsor electronic information system as an integral part of her duties (aka is “wired at work”) or had affirmatively consented to electronic receipt.
Eight Strategies for Enhancing Employee Engagement and Retention
The “Great Resignation”, a term used to describe the mass exodus of employees from their jobs, is over after a challenging time for Human Resources (HR) departments. With fewer jobs available, people are not leaving their jobs at the ferocious pace seen in 2021 and 2022. However, turnover is still a threat. No company wants to lose its best performers. Retention and engagement are closely linked. Engaged employees are much less likely to leave a job.
HR Guide
One of the biggest challenges facing human resources departments is recruiting and retaining talent. The talent market has shifted significantly over the past few decades, with employees hopping from job to job faster than ever.

Contact Ray Aguilera
Ray is here to answer any questions you have on how our Employee Benefit Communications solutions can support your needs.