Executive Compensation

The rewards being provided to executives are subject to greater disclosure and scrutiny, it’s critical to deliver the right total program at the appropriate value.

At the same time, compensation committees must be able to provide defensible rationales for the components and magnitude of executive compensation programs.

Our practice focuses on complementing the work of your internal and external advisers. We bring a quantitative approach to our processes, even if areas that have traditionally been difficult to quantify. We also maintain a keen focus on quality and compliance, whether we’re looking at initial program design, refining an existing program, or comparing a program to your peer group. Below is an overview of our Executive Compensation services:

Executive Compensation Services Overview

Pay Ratio Consulting


Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan Design, Valuation, & Funding


Golden Parachutes


Executive Agreement


Benchmarking Nonqualified Plans


Contact John Lowell

John is here to answer any questions you have about how our Executive Compensation solutions can support your needs.

Contact John